Not all parents feel comfortable with planning a VBAC. You may have heard that a repeat caesarean is safer or more common. However, both VBAC and planned caesarean are healthy options.
'My Next Birth' assists to inform you about your options and helps you and your maternity care provider make decisions together about planning your next birth after you have had a caesarean.
What is 'My Next Birth' and what will it provide me?
'My Next Birth' is a decision aid that aims to give you clear information that supports your values and goals for your next birth after a caesarean delivery. The website will try to help you and your family to think about things such as:
- What were the reasons for my first caesarean?
- What are my delivery options when it comes to my next birth?
- What matters most to me when it comes to my next birth?
- What would be the benefits to me or my baby for each delivery option?
- Are there any potential harms I should be aware of?
The website will give you information about the different choices, and what they mean for you, your family, and your health. It will provide you with a "What Matters Most to Me" summary page that belongs to you. If you wish, you can save, email, or print the summary. You can also use it to discuss your options and preferences with your care team and family.
To find out more about 'My Next Birth' and to access the website go to: